0. Today's carb was LEBANESE FLATBREAD. For the unrecorded preparatory session which took place on the 1st of October, we had SCONES (baked by I, the old lady) and CRACKERS with 5 dips.
1. I was accused of being an elitist for underlining my book. I can't even remember how this accusation came about. I actually don't think I grasped the logic at that very time when this accusation was being made. It was such a baseless, impudent, unfair claim, and so this is THE FIRST THING I HAVE TO WRITE DOWN ABOUT THIS WHOLE BOOK CLUB. No joke.
2. Yasmine sobbed a lot talking about how the phrase 'gender equality' ends up having connotations like 'all lives matter.' *sobs We went on to discuss how we somewhat need to detach the notion of gender equality from the attempt to define feminism b/c: 1) such a definition does not cover feminist epistemological/philosophical projects of which primary aim is not necessarily to achieve equality, but to reinterpret all human intellectual legacies from women's perspective, 2) the whole baggage that follows when we talk about equality (i.e. "what about men's rights?!")
3. Our token white male was so busy this week that he could not possibly underline. Thankfully he somehow managed to do the reading.
4. When we moved on to the chapter on the whole privilege discourse, I ended up pouring my personal dilemmas and proved to the rest of the book club that I MIGHT INDEED BE AN ELITIST. Oops. I'm fuckn filthy. I... I deserve to be publicly flogged.
5. The token white male tried to offer some consolation saying, 'it's ok as long as you don't act on it.' However, Yasmine brought up the pedophile analogy ("oi that reminds me of the whole debate about pedophiles who don't act!") and the whole thing... just... just.. yeah I'm fuckn filthy.
6. Jenifer POINTED OUT that I was wearing WHITE clothes while I was VICIOUSLY criticising white supremacy. I, I....
Overall, it was a very enlightening and worthwhile experience. I was given numerous opportunities to articulate my self-criticism. I tried to reduce the burden by constantly pointing at the token white male but it did not work very well this time. I will give it a few more tries.
*Next session we'll be covering pages 47-146.